Ask TeachPitch Team: 4 Questions to Arlinda Profi

The TeachPitch team continue to reveal their personalities and share their insights into what it is like to work here. Arlinda Profi, in fact, we all call her Linda, was delighted to participate in the interview and talk about her job, achievements and colleagues. She is our web developer and manages the vital technical aspects of our platform that keep it ticking. 

Linda joined TeachPitch at the very beginning and turned what were just ideas into the actual engine. She was instrumental in defining the current structure and functionalities of the platform. Today, Linda continues solving technical challenges. She enhances, expands and reorganises website features to make them more convenient and useful for teachers. Linda also plays a leading role in the development of our Digital Skills program by supporting the technical side of the process. We asked Linda 4 questions and this is what she has to say about TeachPitch. 


What is your idea of a perfect job?

“I truly believe that perfect things do not exist. There may be some exceptions here and there. A perfect job is not easy to define but it certainly would not be a perfect one without the main component, a great team.

A dream workplace is a place that promotes team achievements, rewards and trains them to be the best and continuously motivates personal improvement. Working with new technologies and challenging yourself every day is the key to embracing every workday as a great opportunity.

Last but not least is delegation, avoiding micro management and being organized. I have been in tech environment for a long time, explored several working places, and the above mentioned is the key to loving your job, keeping up the motivation and aiming for the best, which at the end of the day is perfect”.

What is the project you are most proud of?

“Laying the path to success takes a lot of passion and hard work at the same time. And these two ingredients were and still are a magic combination of what TeachPitch is now.

At the very beginning we got a product that had just started, which had a lot of dreams and passion fuelling it but sadly not a lot of traction yet. Our development team was focused on making this all a reality – and I am very proud that we managed it.

In only 3 months our small team created a new TeachPitch, completely new technology, a new concept. It was a great achievement for us as a team, to launch our own branded product. So, TeachPitch with all the work, all the passion, all the dedication of our team is definitely a project to be proud of”.

What is the TeachPitch company culture?

“Being a team.

Taking into consideration that teams are in different locations we try to communicate and share ideas as much as possible. Looking back I am very proud of what we have as a workplace, and as Aldo calls us, we really deserve to be called ‘Team AMAZING’, for the dedication, great communication, flexibility and always doing our best to kick off our projects. All the people that have worked at TeachPitch have created a legacy through their work and each one of them feels that the product is a little bit of their own property”.

How would you sum up TeachPitch?

“Passion, Dedication and Love for what you do”.

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