Save, Rate, Share and Review The Best of Learning

We are sure you have heard us before about how Team TeachPitch allows you to save, rate, share and review the best learning resources available.

In this short blog post we wanted to talk you through what this exactly means and how it can help you to genuinely work with the learning content in TeachPitch library.

Save –This button ensures you can re-find and re-use it from “Find Resources” into “My Resources”.  Whenever you login again to TeachPitch you will be able to find your preferred material in your own library system.


You can Save content directly from a link widget or from the Resource page.


Rate – It will take you less than 10 seconds to give your opinion about the content you find. All links available on the platform can be given a rating from 1 to 5 icons.  Your opinion matters as all ratings are tracked.

The average rating is displayed on the platform when you decide to share your link with the rest of the community.


Share – Clicking “Share” in “My Resources” allows all other teachers on TeachPitch to find out about the content that you consider worth its discovery. The link becomes visible on your “Activity Profile” for other teachers to see. Those educators that follow you on the platform will receive a notification mail in their Inbox containing its link through your personal recommendation.


Review – Talk about the learning material you find in 140 characters or less. Your personal opinion displayed on the “Resource Page” helps other teachers to decide whether the material they have found is worth saving in their own library.  Your opinion really helps so don’t be shy to write down some words on the material you retrieved from our central library.



TeachPitch is built on its users and the more activity we can generate around our links, the more this helps other educators on the platform to genuinely learn more and teach better.

As always, do not hesitate to e-mail us at should you have any further questions or ideas.

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