Image by Ricky Shah
What is Easter? When is it? Why is the date different every year? How do people celebrate it? What are eggs and bunnies symbols of Easter? …
At this time of the year, you might get a lot of questions from your students, just like these, regarding the upcoming festival – Easter. This Sunday 27th of March 2016, we will be celebrating Easter. To give students a better understanding of Easter, why not take a look at resources in the TeachPitch library and see how we can help you?
The story of Easter, Good Friday and Easter eggs
What is Easter? What happened back then? What has Jesus gone through? There is a series of short videos clips from BBC explaining these myths in a brief but easy-to-understand way for kids aged 6-12. The story of Easter* illustrates how Jesus was arrested, crucified and what shocked people after his death.
When it comes to Easter, there’s another holiday that you can not ignore – Good Friday. As a day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death, it sounds like a very sad day, but then why do people call it Good Friday? This 1-minute video* briefly explains where the name Good Friday comes from as well as the symbol of the egg.
Also, there are other interesting videos like The festival of Easter* where two teens show us what Easter is like and what it means for them. Or a series of lesson plans for Holy Week and Easter (Part 1* Part 2*) that involve a range of interactive questions to familiarise students with the biblical stories retold during Holy Week and Easter, and be more aware of Christian beliefs about God.
Decorate an egg to look like your favorite endangered species!
The Egg is one of the most popular parts of the Easter celebrations. Is there anything more meaningful than asking students to decorate their own Easter eggs and enhance their awareness and knowledge of endangered animals at the same time? Here we have a great lesson plan* you can download for some inspiration – it can be used in both art and biology class!
There’s a lot more than Easter eggs!
Besides making colourful easter eggs, how about Easter biscuits! You can find a nice recipe here*. Also, there are lesson plans for pre-school art teachers of making Easter baskets (version1* version2*). And don’t forget bunnies! Here’s a worksheet* that, together with a video, helps students develop a better understanding of Easter and bunnies.
We’ve also got lesson plans that incorporate Easter activities with writing skills* for students aged 6-12, an Easter egg hunt* worksheet for primary Maths class, or a lecture on Canzonas and Easter Masses* for college students. And finally, have you thought of using Easter egg shopping to teach your students how to get the best value for their money*?
Last but not least. Do not forget to Save, Rate, Review and Share the resources you like!
Happy Easter!
*P.S. Please log in to TeachPitch first so that the links embedded in the text to take you to the right place in the TeachPitch library.