On Tour to Tel Aviv

TeachPitch joins the Mayor of London on a tech mission to Israel

We are very happy to announce that Team TeachPitch will be joining the Mayor of London in his upcoming trade visit to Israel.

The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) in partnership with London & Partners (L&P) and EdTech UK are organizing this market visit that will start on November 8th, 2015.

The visit aims at assisting high growth Smart City and Ed Tech companies seeking to identify partnerships and to explore business opportunities within the Israeli market.

TeachPitch will be joining the London team and is excited to participate in an intensive week with visits to companies and organisations like Google, the British Embassy, Mind CET and the Israeli start-up scene at Silicon Boulevard.

In addition we are excited to be visiting a great variety of schools and institutions with whom we can discuss the potential of TeachPitch and its repository technology for the Israeli educational system.

‘We are very honoured to be among one of the London EdTech start-ups chosen to participate in this journey to Tel Aviv. Our visit is in complete alignment with our goal to help teachers and schools from all over the world. We are eager to start the conversation with as many Israeli educators as possible and naturally delighted to be in the presence of Boris Johnson to fly the London flag.’  said Aldo de Pape, CEO and founder of TeachPitch

Mayor of London Boris Johnson MP said: “This trade mission is a fantastic chance to promote London as a thriving tech city and an opportunity to encourage lasting partnerships with some of Israel’s most innovative and creative minds. I want to shine a light on London’s home grown tech talent and strengthen our ties with this part of the world.”

The trade excursion will take place from November 8ththrough November 12th, 2015.  Please send us an e-mail atinfo@teachpitch.com for any further questions or ideas.


On Israel:

Israel is a highly developed western orientated market whose business practice is similar to much of Western Europe. Its high gross national product of $34,800 per head exceeds those of several European Union (EU) member states. UK exports to Israel have grown steadily. It is the UK’s fourth largest market in the Middle East and North Africa region. Israel is ranked 35 out of 189 countries in the World Bank’s 2013 ‘Ease of Doing Business’ report. HSBC, Barclays, Rolls Royce, GlaxoSmithKline and Unilever have a major presence in the market.

About LCCI:

London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the capital’s largest independent networking and business support organisation. Representing the interest of thousands of companies, it connects thousands of business people every year and offers its members a wide range of practical and professional services.

In addition to hosting over 200 B2B events each year, LCCI provides member-to-member marketing opportunities, unlimited access to legal and HR advice and the opportunity to be part of an extensive international trade mission programme.

About London & Partners:

London & Partners is the official promotional company for London. We promote London and attract businesses, events, congresses, students and visitors to the capital. Our aims are to build London’s international reputation and to attract investment and visitor spend, which create jobs and growth.

London & Partners is a not-for-profit public private partnership, funded by the Mayor of London and our network of commercial partners.

About EdTech UK:

Edtech UK is a strategic body set up to help accelerate the growth of the UK’s education technology sector in Britain and globally. Incubated by The Education Foundation, the new body is a “front door” for industry, investment and government and a convening voice for all of the education and learning technology sector including educators, startups, scale up and high growth companies, large corporations, investors, regulators and policy makers.

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