“TeachPitch helps schools and institutions to gather and organize their resources and enables the discovery and management of the best education online.”
We are very happy to introduce you to TeachPitch for Schools, a digital management system that helps schools and institutions work with the best online learning material.
Our team developed this technology to ensure that not only individual teachers can discover the best online learning material but also that meaningful, sustainable learning outcomes can be derived of such material by the schools in which they operate.
The product allows you to collect all your learning material safely in the cloud, regardless of whether it is discovered online or generated by the teachers or students themselves. It takes on files of any format and provides each resource uploaded with lots of metadata to ensure that teachers can continuously work with the most relevant material at the right moment in time.
Each individual teacher can work and plan with the learning material from a personal library system that assists in the optimal preparation of each lesson. And through our sharing, rating and reviewing functionalities you can communicate with your colleagues what you think of the material at hand.
It is very exciting to see that a growing number of organisations are already working with our technology to ensure that they can work with the best of learning.
Do have a look at the key features and benefits of our product via our brand new page here.
We would be grateful and honoured to hear your opinion and do get in touch if you have any new questions or ideas.
All the best,
Team TeachPitch