Join Our TeachPitch for Schools Webinar on 11th March!

When it comes to managing teaching and learning materials, neither teachers nor schools find it easy.

As a teacher, you probably remember the last time you struggled finding the document you needed quickly among the thousands of files on your computer, or when you wanted to share materials with your colleagues, but the materials are not digitised?

As a school administrator you have probably already wondered if you’re getting the most out of the learning resources available in your school. You may also worry about your teacher’s lesson planning workload and want to help them.

Now there is a solution to sweep away your worries —— Team TeachPitch is very delighted to announce the official launch of TeachPitch for Schools!

TeachPitch for Schools is a cloud based learning repository that helps schools and teachers discover and manage the best online learning resources. The platform organises your existing resources (we are able to digitise all your existing non-electronic learning resources) and also allows you to search our global and ever growing TeachPitch library to find the best and most relevant content for each lesson.

After working extensively with schools in the UK and listening to teacher feedback, we are now ready to run a series of webinars to demonstrate TeachPitch for Schools and what it offers your school and department and how it enables schools and teachers from all over the world to learn more and teach better.

Sounds exciting? Join our webinar on 11th March to learn more about how we work with schools and how TeachPitch for Schools can benefit you:

Friday March 11th, 1pm – 2pm (GMT). Please click here to join.

The webinar is FREE OF CHARGE. If the above time is not convenient for you, don’t worry, there will be more coming and we will keep you updated!

We are always eager to know what you think, so please don’t hesitate to contact us at  if you have any queries or ideas!

Look forward to seeing you there and showing you TeachPitch for Schools!

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