TeachPitch Review in the New Learning Times

This article was originally published on the New Learning Times. Please click here to get to the original article.



“TeachPitch is a cloud-based learning platform that helps teachers and schools identify the best online resources available.”

Helping Teachers

TeachPitch is renowned for its teacher professional development tools. It does this by helping teachers and their schools find the highest quality professional development resources online.

The Internet Paradox

Before the mass adoption of the internet, finding educational resources could be a difficult task. Identifying printed material that could be purposefully incorporated into classroom pedagogy was a labor-intensive process. TeachPitch was started by a former teacher who was constantly pressed for time and constrained to a limited budget. The internet was a double-edged sword. It provided a great deal of resources, but they weren’t curated, leaving an unruly mess of materials. That’s where TeachPitch comes in.

Curated Resources

TeachPitch assists educators who are looking for resources. Its website helps K–12 teachers locate and manage the best educational materials hosted on the internet. How does it do that? TeachPitch provides an online library for its users. The library is curated by teachers through a community-based platform that allows users to view, save, and rate highly relevant digital educational resources. Navigating through educational materials on the internet has become a lot simpler thanks to TeachPitch.

In addition, to make the site more personal, curated digital resources include learning ideas, questions, and other inquiries from educators located around the world. The TeachPitch team believes that the only way to foster high quality, genuine collaboration is through the reduction of educational barriers via online sharing among teachers. Pitch in.

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